Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Mudah dan Cepat lancar berbahasa Inggris

Temukan cara efektif untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan sumber daya terbaik dari Sekolah Pengusaha. Dapatkan tips, kursus, dan strategi pembelajaran yang akan membantu Anda menguasai Bahasa Inggris dengan cepat dan percaya diri.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Level 1


  1. Part of Speech Introduction
    - Part of Speech Definition
    - Types of Part of Speech
    - Usage of Part of Speech

  2. Types of Verbs
    - Action Verbs
    - Verbs of Being
    - Verb Phrases

  3. Types of Nouns
    - Noun Introduction
    - Singular and Plural Noun
    - Countable and Uncountable Noun

  4. Types of Articles
    - Indefinite Article
    - Definite Article
    - Zero Article

  5. Types of Adjectives
    - Superlative Adjective
    - Comparative Adjectiv
    - Formation of Superlative & Comparative Adjective

  6. Irregular Adverb
    - Adverb Introduction
    - Types of Adverb
    - Irregular Adverb

  7. Gerund, Infinitive and Participle
    - Gerund
    - Infinitive
    - Participle

  8. Commas and Periods
    - Commas
    - Periods

  9. Subject-Verb Agreement
    - Singular
    - . Subject Verb Agreement

  10. Parallel Structure
    - Definition of Parallel Structure
    - Direction to Apply
    - Parallel Structure Exercise

  11. Present Simple Tense
    - Intro to Simple Present Tense
    - Verbal Sentence
    - Nominal Sentence

  12. Present Continuous Tense
    - Functions of Using Present Continuous Tense
    - Sentence Patterns & Examples
    - Verb-ing Pattern

  13. Past Simple Tense
    - Intro to Simple Past Tense
    - Verbal Sentence
    - Nominal Sentence

  14. Past Continous Tense
    - Intro to Past Continuous Tense
    - Sentence Pattern
    - Forming Verb-ing

  15. Present Perfect Tense
    - Intro to Present Perfect Tense
    - Verbal Sentence
    - Nominal Sentence

  16. Past Perfect Tense
    - Intro to Past Perfect Tense
    - Nominal Sentence

  17. Future Tense
    - Future Simple
    - Future Continues

  18. Sentence Structures
    - Compound Sentence
    - Complex Sentence

  19. Active and Passive Voice
    - Active Voice
    - Passive Voice

  20. Sentence Fragment
    - Sentence Fragments
    - Traditional Sentence

  21. Writing Strategies
    - Writing Strategy
    - What to Do After Writing

  22. Professional Writing
    - How to Make Profesional Writing
    - Simple Profesional Email

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Level 1


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